Saturn Launch
#otd October 27, 1961, the Marshall Space Flight Center and the Nation marked a high point in the 3-year-old Saturn development program...

Saturn Launch Concept (1962)
#otd 14 September 1962 Artist's concept of a Saturn launch. #saturn #nasasaturn #tothemoonandback #nasa #aviationsafari...

AS-202 Launch
#otd AS-202, the second Saturn IB launch vehicle lifts off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, August 25, 1966. Primary mission objectives...

Apollo 15 Launch (1971)
#otd Apollo 15 launched from KSC Launch Pad 39A. #apollo15 #nasa #capecanaveral #tothemoonandback #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

And we have liftoff of Apollo 12
#otd Apollo 12 launched from the Cape, here is a view from the tower as the candles were lit, 14 November 1969. #apollo12 #saturnv #nasa...