USS Independence CV-62
As we celebrate Independence Day, we review the aircraft that flew off of Indy CV-62. Here is an Intruder preparing to launch....

USS Independence CV-62
As we celebrate Independence Day, we will take a look back at Indy CV-62 over her career, here she is in 1979. She would have a lot of...

USS Independence CV-62
#navycarriercentennial Here is Indy (CV-62) making a hard turn, despite the elevator placement she was still a capable carrier....

Tomcat Tuesday
It’s #tomcattuesday here is a Turkey lining up aboard Indy on Cat 1 for launch #cv62 #ussindependence #navalaviation #topgun #f14...

Now that’s a gaggle of Turkey’s and Hornet’s launching off of Indy! #cv62 #ussindependence #navycarriercentennial #f14 #f18...