USS Kitty Hawk
#usskittyhawk here she is departing Yokosuka Japan, we remember days at sea as she makes her final journey. #cv63 #navalaviation...

USS Kitty Hawk
#usskittyhawk at sea, as we watch her final voyage we look back to see her days underway #cvn63 #navalaviation #aviationsafari...

USS Kitty Hawk
#usskittyhawk as she makes her final journey we look back at her times at sea, here she is 1987. Interesting to see the Whale aboard...

FOD Walk
#usskittyhawk FOD walk, seen a lot of FOD walks, but not one from this angle. #CV63 #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

Back on Deck!
S-3 back on deck aboard #usskittyhawk #CV63, as she is on her final journey we look back to her long service for our nation....

Trapping aboard USS Kitty Hawk
#usskittyhawk who has trapped aboard #cv63? What is the notable aircraft aboard her in this picture? #usnavy #navalaviation...

Cleaning aboard USS Kitty Hawk
#usskittyhawk the cleaning never ended #usnavy #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #s3viking #cv63

USS Kitty Hawk to USS Nimitz
#usskittyhawk to #ussnimitz a great comparison of the design evolution of a conventional to nuclear powered aircraft carrier #cv63 #cvn68...

USS Kitty Hawk CV-63
#usskittyhawk another flashback to #CV63, check out the variety of aircraft on deck including… the Phantom. #usnavy #navalaviation...

USS Kitty Hawk
#usskittyhawk here she is departing San Diego, remember seeing that in the 80’s and 90’s #cv63 #navalaviation #usnavy #kittyhawklegacy...