Phrog Friday
It’s #phrogfriday with a CH-46 parked next to a V-22 aboard USS Saipan LHA-2, Jan. 1999. #usssaipan #lha2 #gatorboat #usmc...

USS Saipan LHA-2 (1980)
A look back at USS Saipan LHA-2 steams in the north Atlantic, en route to NATO exercise "Teamwork 1980," in September 1980. Next ship...

USS Saipan LHA-2 (2002)
#otd amphibious Assault Ship USS Saipan LHA-2 underway off the coast of Virginia Beach, VA 1 March 2002. #tarawaclass #usssaipan #lha2...

USS Saipan LHA-2 (1981)
Per request, USS Saipan LHA-2 anchored in 1981. You can see she still has her 5in guns mounted. #usssaipan #lha2 #gatornavy #ch46 #phrog...

Bronco’s aboard USS Saipan LHA-2
A look back to the 1980’s with OV-10 Bronco’s aboard USS Saipan LHA-2. Yes they did operate from LHA’s, note Saipan still has her 5”/54...

It’s #phrogfriday and here is a gaggle of #Phrogs lifting off USS Saipan LHA-2 back in the 1980’s #ch46 #usssaipan #lha2...