USS Saratoga CVA-60 (1956)
#otd USS Saratoga CVA-60 at sea during a personnel inspection, 15 November 1956. Check out all those classic jets aboard her!...
Vigi back aboard
Here is RA-5C 146696 landing on board USS Saratoga CVA-60, May 1969, here she is catching the number one wire. #ra5c #ra5cvigilante...
Who loves big Guns?
Who loves big gun cruisers? Here is USS Des Moines CA-134 while operating as flagship of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, during...
For Walter!
For Walter, USS Saratoga CVA-60 at sea on 17 February 1958, with four Douglas AD4-1 Skyhawk from VA-34 fly past in formation....
More Phrog Friday
#phrogfriday An H-46 taking off from the deck of the USS Saratoga CV-60 in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, December 1979. #hh46 #uh46 #ch46...
Saratoga’s air group (1939)
#otd at Naval Air Station Seattle, planes from the USS Saratoga CV-3 air group in the hangar at the station. Planes in the foreground...
Flight Ops aboard USS Saratoga CV-3 (1934)
#otd Boeing F4B-4 taking off over the stern, as the USS Saratoga CV-3 as she makes 15 knots astern, 17 May 1934. #usssaratoga #cv3 #f4b...
Launching into the weekend!
Let’s launch into the weekend with a Turkey ready to go aboard USS Saratoga in 1986. #f14 #f14tomcat #tomcat #usssaratoga #cv60 #flynavy...
USS Saratoga CV-3 (1942)
#otd USS Saratoga CV-3 llooking forward from overhead, taken at the Puget Sound Navy Yard, Washington, 14 May 1942. Note: Bombs on flight...
USS Saratoga CV-3 (1934)
#otd USS Saratoga CV-3 operating off Panama, 21 April 1934, at about the time of fleet problem 15. #usssaratoga #cv3 #navalsafari...