Wild Weasel Wednesday
It’s #wildweaselwednesday and we take a look at 37th Tactical Fighter Wing F-4G Wild Weasel. Equipped with an AGM-45A Shrike...

Wild Weasel!
It’s #wildweaselwednesday and here is F-105G F-105G 62-4427 at Pima Air and Space. #wildweasel #f105g #usaf #vietnamwar #thud...

Favorite Wild Weasel?
It’s #wildweaselwednesday here are some weasel F-4G’s and a F-16C. Which is your favorite #wildweasel #usaf #f4g #f4phantom #f16...

Wild Weasel Wednesday
It’s #wildweaselwednesday and we take a look at a pair of F-4G’s preparing for take off in 1988. #wildweasel #f4g #phantomsphorever #usaf...

Wild what…
I spy a wild…. #f4g #wildweasel #wildweaselwednesday #usaf #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Weasels Bite
Its #wildweaselwednesday and here is F-4G from the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing with four AGM-45 Shrike missiles aboard, now that is some...

Which is your favorite?
More #wildweaselwednesday which is your favorite, the Phantom or the Viper? #f4g #wildweasel #agm45 #f16 #usaf #aviationsafari...

F-105G 62-4427 at Pima Air & Space
It’s #wildweaselwednesday and here is F-105G 62-4427 at Pima Air and Space. Love those teeth, do you have a Wild Weasel story? #usaf...

Wild Weasel Wednesday
It’s #wildweaselwednesday here are a pair of F-4G’s, who recognizes the base? #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...