USS New Orleans LPH-11
Lovingly called the Gator Navy, we take a look at the Iwo Jima Class designated Landing Platform Helicopter “LPH”. They served from 1961 to 2002, and were designed and built as dedicated helicopter carriers. They were the first ships to operate helicopters for large scale air assault operations. The downside of the Iwo Jima Class was that they lacked the ability to carry landing craft, this would drive the design of the Tarawa Class. In this picture is USS New Orleans LPH-11 departing San Diego (1980’s) with a full compliment of aircraft, AH-1’s CH-46’s, CH-53’s, and UH-1’s. Note the dual 3in guns on the stern starboard quarter, additionally who can identify the class of submarine in dry dock in the background? #ussneworleans #lph11 #ah1 #ch46 #ch53 #uh1n #marineaviation #sandiego #phrogsforever #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #lph
